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Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(1): 108-114, Jan.-Feb. 2021. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1153034


Ten free-living adult coatis (two males and eight females) were chemically restrained with "ZAD-50", a concentrated formulation prepared with the dehydrated content of a Zoletil/50® vial diluted with 0.25mL of 1% atropine, 0.265mL of Dormiun-V®, and 2.2mL of distilled water, being exactly 3.0mL. The formula was administered to each animal previously captured and physically contained with a net. The loss of righting reflex (RR) occurred at 2.3±0.8 minutes post-injection (MPI), with anesthesia beginning at 4.4±2.7 MPI. Myorelaxant and analgesia were considered excellent at all moments of the evaluation. Conscious reactions were observed at 78.7±22.2 MPI, the return of the RR occurred at 101 ± 18 MPI, and normal ambulation was acquired at 137.0±31.0 MPI. The mean values ​​of physiological parameters measured every 10 minutes between 10 and 50 MPI were 152.2 heartbeats per minute for heart rate, 66.4 respiratory movements per minute for respiratory rate, 39.2oC for rectal temperature, 86.2% for SpO2 and 14.6 mmHg for systolic blood pressure. In the same times, the EEG registered sinus rhythm. No adverse reactions were observed, and the assessed vital parameters remained compatible with the state of chemical restraint.(AU)

Dez quatis adultos de vida livre (dois machos e oito fêmeas) foram contidos empregando-se a formulação denominada "ZAD-50". A fórmula foi preparada a partir do conteúdo desidratado de um frasco de Zoletil/50® diluído em 0,25mL de atropina a 1%, 0,265mL de Dormiun-V® e 2,2mL de água destilada, obtendo-se volume final de 3,0mL. A associação foi administrada, por via intramuscular, a cada animal capturado e contido fisicamente com puçá, em dose calculada por meio de extrapolação alométrica interespecífica. A perda da reação postural de endireitamento (RPE) ocorreu aos 2,3±0,8 minutos pós-injeção (MPI), observando-se início da anestesia aos 4,4±2,7 MPI. Miorrelaxamento e analgesia foram considerados excelentes em todos os momentos da avaliação. Reações conscientes foram observadas aos 78,7±22,2 MPI, o retorno da RPE ocorreu aos 101±18 MPI, e os animais voltaram à ambulação normal aos 137,0±31,0 MPI. Os valores médios dos parâmetros fisiológicos mensurados a cada 10 minutos entre 10 e 50 MPI foram 152,2 batimentos por minuto para frequência cardíaca, 66,4 movimentos por minuto para frequência respiratória, 39,2oC para temperatura retal, 86,2% para saturação parcial de oxigênio e 14,6mmHg para pressão arterial sistólica. Nesses tempos, observou-se ritmo sinusal no eletrocardiograma, e não foram observadas reações adversas.(AU)

Animals , Body Temperature , Procyonidae/physiology , Respiratory Rate , Heart Rate , Anesthesia/veterinary , Tiletamine/analysis , Zolazepam/analysis , Anesthetics, Combined/analysis , Animals, Wild/physiology
Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 55(1): 1-16, 2 abr. 2018. ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-912690


Human-wildlife conflicts, a growing and sad reality worldwide, makes population control of wildlife and feral animals one of the biggest challenges in wildlife management, especially due to the rapidly expanding human population, and consequently the ever-diminishing natural habitats of animals. Human activities and the destruction of nature forcing wildlife to move inevitably into urban and agricultural areas, causing "conflicts", such as the risk of zoonosis and traffic accidents, as well as damage to crops in the search for food, whose losses reach millions of dollars. For decades, science has been engaged in extensive efforts to develop methods of "humane" population control methods, and many techniques are being employed in order to control wildlife population. In this article, we present an overview of applied contraceptive methods with simplified graphic demonstrations of their interactions with reproductive physiology, furthermore relating pro and contra of utilized antifertility agents. These are being compared to a set of desired characteristics for free-ranging wildlife for in-field applications, with emphasis on reversible immunocontraception ­ concluding, therefore, the reasons why this concept is becoming the most appropriate and promising for free-ranging wildlife.(AU)

Os conflitos Humanos-Animais Selvagens são uma realidade crescente e triste no mundo inteiro, tornando o controle populacional da fauna silvestre e animais ferais o maior desafio, principalmente diante do crescimento da população humana e, consequentemente, da diminuição dos habitats naturais dos animais. As atividades humanas e a destruição da natureza, forçam os animais de vida livre a se dirigirem para áreas urbanas e agrícolas, inevitavelmente, causando conflitos, como o risco de zoonoses, acidentes de trânsito, bem como danos às plantações, quando em busca de alimentos, cujo prejuízo chega a milhões de dólares. Durante décadas, a ciência esteve empenhada em esforços extensivos para desenvolver métodos de controle populacional "humano"; e muitas técnicas foram utilizadas, a fim de se realizar um controle populacional destes animais silvestres. Neste artigo será apresentada uma visão geral dos métodos anticoncepcionais aplicados, com demonstrações gráficas simplificadas de suas interações com a fisiologia reprodutiva, bem como relacionando os prós e os contras dos agentes antifertilidade empregados; também serão comparados com um conjunto de características desejadas para as aplicações em fauna a campo, com ênfase em imunocontracepção reversível, concluindo assim, com as razões do porque este conceito torna-se o mais apropriado e promissor para animais silvestres de vida livre.(AU)

Animals , Animals, Wild/physiology , Contraception/veterinary , Population Control/methods , Reproductive Physiological Phenomena/drug effects , Environmental Imbalance/prevention & control
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-875313


This work reports one case of infertility in a male jaguar (Panthera onca) aged 21 years and weighing 125 kg. Changes in sperm due to chronic stress, inadequate food handling and reproductive senescence are emphasized.(AU)

O presente trabalho relata um caso de infertilidade em uma onça-pintada (Panthera onca), macho, de 21 anos e 125 kg. São ressaltadas as alterações ocorridas nos espermatozoides, devido a estresse crônico, manejo alimentar inadequado e senescência reprodutiva.(AU)

Animals , Aging/physiology , Infertility/diagnosis , Infertility/veterinary , Panthera/physiology , Reproduction/physiology , Animals, Wild/physiology
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 35(10): 859-862, out. 2015. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-767752


Blood samples collection is a common method in biological research using domestic animals. However, most blood sampling techniques are complicated and highly invasive and may therefore not be appropriate for wildlife animals in research concerning stress. Thus, a non-invasive method to measure steroid hormones is critically needed. The first goal of this study was to determine how glucocorticoids concentrations are impacted by translocation and reproductive activity in crab-eating-fox (Cerdocyoun thous) in captivity. The physiological relevance of fecal glucocorticoid metabolites was further validated by demonstrating: (1) The translocation of a male to a females enclosure resulted in a 3.5-fold increase compared to baseline concentrations, (2) changes in adrenocortical activity, as reflected in concentrations of fecal cortisol metabolites during reproduction, gestation and lactation in females foxes, indicating that social interactions resulted in large increases of fecal glucocorticoids metabolites during the reproductive season. From these findings we conclude that fecal samples can be used for the non-invasive assessment of adrenocortical status in crab-eating-fox...

Coleta de sangue é um método comumente utilizado na pesquisa com animais domésticos. Entretanto, a técnica de coleta de sangue torna-se complicada e altamente invasiva em animais selvagens devido ao estresse, tornando-a inapropriada para pesquisa. Dessa maneira, métodos não invasivos utilizados na mensuração de hormonios tornam-se necessários. O principal objetivo deste estudo foi determinar como as concentrações de glucocorticoides atuam durante a translocação e a atividade reprodutiva de cachorro-do-mato (Cerdocyoun thous) em cativeiro. A relevância fisiológica da análise de metabolitos fecais de glucocorticoides pôde ser validada pela demonstração de que: (1) A translocação de machos para o recinto de fêmeas resultou em um aumento de 3.5 vezes comparado a concentrações basais; (2) mudanças na atividade adrenocortical, como reflexo das concentrações de metabolitos de cortisol fecal durante a reprodução, gestação e lactação em femeas de cachorro-do-mato (Cerdocyoun thous), indicaram que interações sociais resultaram em aumento de glucocorticoides fecais durante a época reprodutiva. Com estas constatações podemos concluir que amostras fecais podem ser usadas para acesso não invasivo da atividade adrenocortical em cachorro-do-mato (Cerdocyoun thous)...

Animals , Stress, Physiological/physiology , Feces/chemistry , Glucocorticoids/metabolism , Hydrocortisone/metabolism , Foxes/physiology , Animals, Wild/physiology , Reproduction/physiology , Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures/veterinary
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 31(supl.1): 84-88, dez. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-613497


O mocó (Kerodon rupestris Wied,1820), um mamífero roedor da família Cavidae, que se assemelha bastante ao preá, é um animal altamente adaptado às condições de calor e de escassez de água e de alimento, principalmente nos períodos das grandes secas que assolam periodicamente a região do semi-árido nordestino. Verifiica-se que na literatura há escassez de dados referentes à anatomia funcional dos mocós, em especial de trabalhos envolvendo a anatomia do sistema nervoso. Visando conhecer a origem do nervo femoral junto aos forames intervertebrais, sua localização e distribuição pelo membro pélvico, a musculatura envolvida em seu trajeto, a importância desse estudo para clínica de animais silvestres e contribuir para o desenvolvimento da neuroanatomia comparada, procedeu-se esta pesquisa, na qual foram utilizados dez animais adultos de diferentes idades (4 machos e 6 fêmeas) que vieram a óbito no Centro de Multiplicação de Animais Silvestres (Cemas) da Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido (Ufersa). Os animais foram fiixados em solução aquosa de formaldeído a 10 por cento e posteriormente tiveram a cavidade abdominal dissecada até a completa visualização do nervo femoral. Foram verifiicadas variações no número de vértebras lombares nos animais, entre seis (30 por cento) e sete (70 por cento) vértebras, alterando, conseqüentemente, a origem do nervo. No antímero direito, verifiicou-se que em 40 por cento dos animais o nervo femoral originava-se de ramos ventrais de L5L6, em 40 por cento de L5L6L7 e em 20 por cento de L4L5L6. Já no esquerdo 50 por cento dos exemplares o nervo femoral foi formado de raízes ventrais de L5L6, em 30 por cento de L5L6L7 e em 20 por cento de L4L5L6.

Rock cavy (Kerodon rupestris Wied, 1820), a rodent mammal from the Cavidae family is highly adapted to conditions of heat and shortage of water and food, mainly in the periods of great drought that periodically devastate the semi-arid of Northeast Brazil. In the literature, few data are found regarding the functional anatomy of the rock cavy, especially involving the anatomy of the nervous system. We aimed to investigate the origin of the femoral nerve close to the intervertebral foramina, its location and distribution for the musculature of the legs, to verify its importance to support further studies for wild animal clinics, and to contribute for the comparative neuro-anatomy. Ten adult rock cavies of different ages were used (4 males and 6 females), that had died in the Wild Animal Multiplication Center (Cemas) of the Rural Federal University of the Semi-Arid, Mossoró. After the fixation in aqueous solution of 10 percent formalin, the dissection of the abdominal cavity of the animals was accomplished for complete visualization of the femoral nerve. Variations were verified in the number of lumbar vertebrae, as seven animals (70 percent) had seven lumbar vertebrae, and three (30 percent) only six, altering the origin of the nerve. On the right side, in four animals (40 percent) the femoral nerve originated from ventral branches of L5 to L6, four (40 percent) from L5 to L7, and in two (20 percent) from L4 to L6. On the left side, in five animals (50 percent) the femoral nerve originated from the ventral branches of L5 to L6, in three (30 percent) from L5 to L7, and two (20 percent) also from L4 to L6.

Animals , Animals, Wild/physiology , Neuroanatomy , Rodentia/physiology , Femoral Nerve/anatomy & histology , Lumbar Vertebrae/anatomy & histology
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 61(6): 1419-1427, dez. 2009. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-537270


Analisaram-se as propriedades da carne e o perfil de ácidos graxos do pernil de catetos alimentados com dietas contendo diferentes porcentagens de torta de babaçu, usada como fonte energética alternativa substituindo parte do milho na alimentação, em sistemas de produção em cativeiro. Avaliou-se o pernil de 12 animais quanto às suas propriedades - perda de peso ao cozimento, força de cisalhamento, pH e capacidade de retenção de água-, depois extraiu-se o óleo da carne e determinou-se o perfil dos ácidos graxos. Não foram observados efeitos (P>0,05) das porcentagens de torta de babaçu sobre as propriedades da carne; os ácidos graxos (AG) insaturados, mono e poli-insaturados, foram encontrados em maior quantidade (51,6-57,8 por cento) que os ácidos graxos saturados (42,2-48,4 por cento) na carne do pernil. Baseando-se na teoria de que os AG poli-insaturados ingeridos na dieta humana são responsáveis pela redução nos níveis séricos de colesterol, sugere-se que a carne de catetos seja uma boa fonte alternativa de proteína.

The meat properties and the fatty acids profile of the ham of peccaries ham fed diets with different levels of babassu meal, used as an alternative energy source substituting part of corn on feeding peccaries in captivity, were studied. The ham meats of 12 animals were evaluated on their properties: cooking losses, shear force, pH, and water holding capacity. After that, the meat oil was extracted to determine the fatty acids contents. No effects (P>0.05) of the babassu meal levels on the meat properties were observed. The unsaturated fatty acids, mono and polyunsaturated, were found in higher quantity than the saturated fatty acids in the ham meat of peccaries. Based on the theory that the polyunsaturated fatty acids ingested in the human diet are responsible for reduction of the seric levels of cholesterol, it can be suggested that the peccary meat is a good alternative source of protein.

Animals , Fatty Acids/adverse effects , Meat/analysis , Models, Animal , Animal Feed/adverse effects , Animals, Wild/physiology , Vegetable Fats
J Environ Biol ; 2008 Mar; 29(2): 169-74
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-113539


Ovarian development in Labeo dyocheilus was assessed during active reproductive phase under ambient environmental conditions in captivity and wild. Increasing day length and water temperature seemed favourable for ovarian development in female L. dyocheilus under both conditions. Gonadosomatic index (GSI) was lower in May and higher in July in captivity (6.168 and 13.366) and wild (5.798 and 16.166) respectively Ovarian development started little bit in advance in captivity with late yolk vesicle stage oocyte in May when yolk globule stage oocytes were prominent in wild. Fully grown oocytes with germinal vesicle migration (GVM) and germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) stages were observed in July in both conditions. Degree of transformation of developing oogonials into advance stage oocytes was observed to be better in wild fish compared to captivity reared ones. The histophysiological changes in liver corresponded well to the progression of ovarian development. Successive granulation and vacuolization of hepatocyte cytoplasm were indicative of augmented synthetic activity and probably mobilization of energy content for oocyte growth. These observations indicated that normal ovarian development of L. dyocheilus under captivity in Tarai region of Uttarakhand would be useful for success of its seed production in captivity for stock augmentation in wild or species diversification in aquaculture.

Animals , Animals, Wild/physiology , Animals, Zoo/physiology , Cell Movement/physiology , Cyprinidae/physiology , Female , Gonads/metabolism , Liver/metabolism , Oocytes/cytology , Ovary/physiology , Reproduction/physiology , Time Factors
Rev. biol. trop ; 54(2): 681-686, jun. 2006. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-492034


Food items consumed by the squirrel Sciurus variegatoides atrirufus were determined in an agricultural setting in the Nicoya Peninsula (9 degrees 47' N, 84 degrees 56' W), Costa Rica, where two life zones (Premontane Moist Forest Basal Belt Transition, and Tropical Dry Forest) predominate. By analyzing the gut contents of 120 squirrels, from February 1987 through January 1988, it was determined that coconut (Cocos nucifera), indian almond (Terminalia catappa) and flamboyant (Delonix regia) were the most common dietary items. There were differences in food consumption according to age: adults preferred coconut, whereas young individuals preferred almond. This finding can be explained in terms of fruit characteristics, as well as tree architecture and accessibility for squirrels; almendro trees provide higher protection and a more accessible food resource, so that it was better used by young individuals.

Se determinaron los componentes de la dieta de la ardilla Sciurus variegatoides atrirufus en un área agrícola de la Península de Nicoya, Costa Rica (9º47’ N, 84º56’ W), correspondiente a las zonas de vida Bosque Húmedo Premontano Transición a Basal y Bosque Seco Tropical. Al analizar el contenido estomacal de 120 ardillas, entre febrero de 1987 y enero de 1988, se determinó que los alimentos más importantes fueron el coco (Cocos nucifera), el almendro (Terminalia catappa) y el malinche (Delonix regia). Hubo diferencias en el tipo de alimento según la edad. Los adultos consumieron más el coco y los jóvenes el almendro, lo cual se explica por las características del fruto, así como por la arquitectura y acceso al árbol; el almendro aporta mejores condiciones de protección y un recurso alimenticio más accesible, por lo que fue mejor aprovechado por los individuos jóvenes.

Animals , Male , Female , Animals, Wild/physiology , Behavior, Animal/physiology , Feeding Behavior/physiology , Food Preferences , Sciuridae/physiology , Tropical Climate , Cocos , Gastrointestinal Contents , Costa Rica , Ecosystem , Animal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Fruit , Trees
Rev. méd. Chile ; 128(10): 1108-12, oct. 2000. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-277203


Background: Three triatomine species, Triatoma infestans, Mepraia spinolai and Mepraia gajardoi, are vectors for Chagas disease in Chile. Aim: To compare the alimentary profile of Mepraia spinolai, the Chilean wild vector of Chagas disease, with that of the several other triatomines. Material and methods: The alimentary profile of Mepraia spinolai was compared with that of other triatomines using cluster analysis (Q and R techniques) with the Jaccard index. Results: Three basic groups of triatomines were identified: domestic, wild and specialists, such as P. coreodes and C. pilosa. Our wild vector M. spinolai was in an intermediate position between wild and domestic clusters, grouping with T. rubrovaria, T. sordida and P. megistus. The feeding sources, animals of the domestic and peri-domestic habitat and wild animals, corresponded to the clusters of the two groups. Conclusions: Mepraia spinolai, being a preponderantly wild species, approaches human dwellings and obtains food from domestic animals and eventually, from human blood

Animals , Triatoma/physiology , Insect Vectors/physiology , Animal Feed , Triatoma/parasitology , Trypanosoma cruzi/parasitology , Chagas Disease/parasitology , Animals, Wild/physiology , Cluster Analysis , Feeding Methods
Yonsei Medical Journal ; : 127-132, 1979.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-41001


Captured wild chipmunks which have been extensively used for leprosy research, were studied in our laboratory for the reproductive potentials. Histologically normal organs, which are involved in reproduction in both sexes, were observed. Functionally active viable sperms in sufficient amount were produced by the males, and were used for artificial inseminations. A state of normal reproductive physiology of the females was also confirmed by studies on histologic analysis of oogenesis in the ovaries and in cultured ovaries in vitro. Regularity in ovulation was also determined by vaginal epithelial cell examinations. Thus these animals appeared to be normal in terms of fecundity. It was considered that the inability of these animals to have successful breeding in the captured state was due to problems in fertility, especially in maintaining the pregnancy.

Female , Male , Pregnancy , Animals , Animals, Wild/physiology , Breeding , Estrus , Fertility , In Vitro Techniques , Insemination, Artificial/veterinary , Rodentia/physiology , Sciuridae/physiology , Sperm Motility , Vagina/cytology